One of the leading series on Netflix is “Emily in Paris,” which depicts life in a Parisian communications agency. This series is an allegory and seeks to emphasize the French way of life according to the American point of view. The main point in this series is to see how France is represented within the series. Below is a brief synopsis:
Emily in Paris follows the adventures of Emily Cooper, a twenty-something American from Chicago with a Master’s Degree in Communication moving to Paris for an unexpected job opportunity. She is tasked with bringing an American point of view and social media presence to a venerable French marketing firm. Cultures clash as she adjusts to the challenges of life in Paris while juggling her career, new friendships, and active love life.
A major focal point of the series is the importance of critical marketing especially for luxury brands, and we see how social media impacts the perception of the “Savoir” agency, led by its owner, Sylvie Grateau. Through the eyes of Emily in her role as public relations officer, communications manager, and general influencer, we see how a marketing campaign works and how to manage a marketing strategy in the era of social media. Also emphasized is the difficulty in cross-cultural management of luxury brands. Here is the trailer for Emily in Paris:
We hope that viewers will view this production as a reflection of modern global society enabling us to reflect on how we perceive the idea of work and values in an interdependent era. It is an interesting, bouncy, feel-good show and we sincerely recommend it.